2D model of cover diagnostics by terminal visualization method on the basis of the temperature field of inhaneous deviation

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Kavyn Ya. M., Plokh D., Prokhorenko S. V. № 2 (74) 78-83 Image Image

The thermodynamic 2D model for detecting hidden surface defects of materials developed on the basis of the finite element method in the ComSol 5.1 software envi­ronment has been presented. A thermal model is presented that indicates a noticeable change in the temperature field heterogeneity in the area of the hidden surface defect induced by the directional heat flux. In the framework of the simulation, the effectiveness of the thermal imaging method for the detection of hidden surface defects has been esti­mated.

Keywords: 2D model, Boolean values of the set, unit geometry, structure with a hidden defect, import of a sketch into a 3D project.

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