
The journal of scientific papers "Printing and Publishing" is the leading expert on scientific publications of Ukraine.

The journal of scientific papers helps to strengthen, and expand the target scientific information space of Ukraine in the publishing, printing, packaging and related industries.

The improvement of the journal of scientific papers activity involves the implementation of a set of measures aimed at preserving the main tasks of the journal of scientific papers "Printing and Publishing" with simultaneous increase of its scientific level, improvement of organizational, staffing and logistical support.

1. It is necessary to organize systematic and purposeful work on the journal promotion, increasing its circulation and expanding the audience of the journal of scientific papers by involving to its members the representatives of the Ukrainian and international scientific community, in particular, those, who carry out researches on interdisciplinary issues, practitioners, students, and lecturers.

2. For the purpose of the appropriate composition of a "publishing portfolio" of the journal of scientific papers, the preparation of scientific articles, and reviews should be included in the plans of scientific work of the corresponding departments of the Ukrainian Academy of Printing. The heads of the departments of the Ukrainian Academy of Printing should orient the staff working on candidate or doctoral dissertations, with state budget themes, international grants, state-funded subjects, to conduct theoretical and applied research, and to prepare scientific articles for the journal of scientific papers "Printing and Publishing".

3. An important direction is an activity aimed at increasing the scientific and international recognition of the journal of scientific papers "Printing and Publishing", the growth of the general rating, the index of quotation (impact factor), placement in the main international databases (Scopus, etc.). To accomplish this task, it is necessary to make serious efforts to improve the scientific level of the journal, which requires certain compliance with the requirements to the novelty, theoretical and practical significance of publications.

4. The independent anonymous peer-review of the work improves the quality of preparation for publication. It is essential to constantly expand the created special database, which contains information about reviewers - specialists in the related areas of the publishing and printing industry with whom the journal of scientific papers cooperates. Reviewers must be recognized as specialists in the subject matter of the reviewed materials, and have publications in the last three years on the subject of the reviewed article.

5. To promote the journal of scientific papers "Printing and Publishing", expand the circle of authors, readers and reviewers it is necessary to conduct various events under its auspices (thematic seminars, round tables, conferences, etc.), as well as participate in relevant all-Ukrainian and International profile exhibitions and forums in the publishing and printing industry.

6. Trends in the development of the world's publishing and printing industry dictate the search for more and more rapid ways of familiarizing the scientific community with the results of scientific research by scientists and specialists. To increase the rating of the journal of scientific papers "Printing and Publishing", the editorial board plans to create additionally its electronic version.

7. It is essential to develop feedback systems of the editorial board with authors and readers to analyze their satisfaction with the work of the journal of scientific papers "Printing and Publishing".

8. It is necessary to constantly increase the material and technical base of the journal of scientific papers "Printing and Publishing". Additional sources of financing may be monetary funds and material assistance to charitable foundations and other organizations, international grants, donations of individuals, enterprises of the publishing and printing industry.

All these arrangements are intended to create conditions for improving the efficiency of editorial and publishing activities for the production and distribution of a journal of scientific papers "Printing and Publishing", its compliance with the new requirements that enables to include the mentioned above journal to the list of the scientific journals of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, as the one matching the requirements of international science-computer databases Scopus and Web of Science Core Collection.