An electronic edition for schoolchildren: research problem area

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Stakhiv M. R. № 1 (79) 161-168 Image Image

The article deals with the problem of using electronic editions in the educational process and beyond in Ukraine and abroad. The basic principles of digitalization of reading, gradual change of reading paradigm are determined.

The article emphasizes that innovations in the educational process tried to improve it, interest students and improve the process of learning and interaction between students and teachers. Open World, New Ukrainian School projects, which launched the All-Ukrainian Online School e-textbook and video tutorial project, and various private initiatives from manufacturers of devices for innovative publications such as Bristar, Rozumnyky and MozaWeb, and teachers and students, are quite diverse.

The article analyses excessive use of mobile and interactive media by children and disregard for paediatricians can lead to attention and memory problems, reduced sleep quality and physical activity, and slow development of basic motor skills. Researchers note that the portability of devices contributes to greater user engagement and presence in all aspects of children’s lives. The danger of cyberspace for the psyche of both adults and children, which is why it needs reasonable regulation, is highlighted.

The prospects for further research and advantages of using electronic textbooks in the educational process have been described.

Summarizing our analysis, we can highlight that Ukrainian educational electronic editions appear and develop through the implementation of the reform of the Ukrainian school. Ukrainian researchers focus on various aspects of the emergence and operation of such electronic products: from the analysis of media convergence, to the peculiarities of publishing such publications and their use in the educational process. Due to the rapid development of devices for playing content, software, and the emergence of new forms of content creation, this object will be interesting to researchers for a long time.

Keywords: multimedia content, convergence, digitalization, e-book, e-learning pub­lication, reading.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-1-79-161-168

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