Complex evaluation of energy-power parameters of chain conveyor drive in perfect binding machine

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Knysh O. B. № 1 (77) 11-19 Image Image

The article establishes the actuality of the research of energy-power parameters of book block processing by tools without an individual drive. An experimental test bench has been designed with purpose to perform the research of conveyor drive of perfect binding machine upon a condition of use the cylindrical milling cutter without an electromechanical drive. The experimental test bench has been mounted on perfect binding machine Trendbinder (Muller-Martini, Switzerland). Such an approach gives grounds to assert the maximum approach of experiment conditions to production. The article shows the character of torques change depending on tractive effort. The author has discovered that the increase of book block transportation velocity causes the dynamic improvement of chain conveyor vibrations. The study analyses the reasons of onset of vibrations in conveyor chain of perfect binding machine and substantiates their decrease with chain velocity increasing. The article shows that maximum torque values on drive sprocket increase with velocity increase of book block transportation. Analytical dependencies of work computation needed for blocks spine processing by cylindrical milling cutter have been achieved by the approximation of experimental curves. The reliability coefficient of experimental curves approximation by trend line is k=0.92–0.97 gives reasons to assert reliability of results got by analytical processing of trend line by polynomial of the six degree. The study evaluates polynomial coefficients for the studied book blocks. The author evaluates dependencies for power calculations of conveyor drive upon a condition of book blocks spine processing by the cylindrical milling cutter without an individual drive. The article analyses the impact of blocks transportation velocity and paper type on conveyor drive power. The study shows that use of the cylindrical milling cutter without an individual drive for book blocks processing reduces the process energy consumption by 1.5–2.2 kW compared to traditional technology.

Keywords: book block, tractive effort, power, drive, chain conveyor, velocity.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2019-1-77-11-19

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