Convergence of classical and innovational instruments of informational dossier through the prism of journalistic investigation efficiency

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Stiekolshchykova V. A. № 2 (74) 128-136 Image Image

The article is devoted to the problem of search, selection, collecting, processing and evaluation of the information obtained during a journalistic investigation. The security of information sources has been analysed in a separate paragraph. The informational dossier as the means of effective influence on the recipient in investigative journalism has been considered. Certain attention has been paid to the ethical aspects of the overt isolated and participant, covert isolated and participant types of informational ob­servation.

The use of contextual analysis, elements of component analysis, methods of in­tertextual comparison and conceptual analysis, linguistic modelling has contributed to singling out and systemic characterization of the informational dossier tools.

Keywords: information dossier, journalistic investigation, innovative toolkit, effec­ti­ve reception.

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