Convergent media as a platform for books promotion and advancement on the modern Ukrainian market

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Skiban O. I. № 1 (77) 111-124 Image Image

The peculiarities of promotional policy of Ukrainian publishing houses have been explored, in particular the application of new approaches to attracting modern media platforms and convergent means of promotion. The analysis of theoretical studies and publications related to the study of book promotion has been carried out. A review of the work of theoreticians-researchers in this topic has been given. Modern technologies of promotion of book products on the market have been considered. The possibilities and role of converging media in the aspect of creating their own information policy of the publishing house have been outlined. The following forms and formats of promotion have been described as a blog, videoblog (buquibus), flashmob, letterhead and bukkrossing, etc. The effectiveness of the use of such media resources has been demonstrated on specific examples, which in general promotes the provision of sufficiently effective advertising and promotional communication. Positive practices of bringing converged media to marketing, advertising and PR-strategies of publishing houses have been considered.

The importance of applying professional approaches to the promotion and ad­van­cement of modern literature has been noted.

It is also worth taking into account the changes that have taken place in the media technology system, which gives modern publishers and booksellers a much wider arsenal of communication resources to ensure effective promotion.

The results of the study are of practical importance and can be used in the development of advertising activities (campaigns in general), aimed at popularizing the book, author, publisher.

Keywords: convergent media, book promotion, author, publisher, information policy of the publishing house.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2019-1-77-111-124

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