«Decommunization» discourse as a source for construction of new symbolic and toponymic space in Ukraine

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Khitrova T. V. № 1 (81) 100-112 Image Image

The article explores the media representation of Ukrainian toponymic and renaming policies in the context of the discourse of «decommunization». Media are regarded as an information space for the construction and functioning of discourses of historical memory and the latest symbolic space. The media have always been an integral part of the implementation of the state memory policy, the space of forming its narrative content, places and media of its journalistic receptions. Therefore, the publication specifically focuses on the media culture of contemporary media in the context of formation.

Approved in Ukraine in 2015, «decommunization» number of laws became powerful and accumulating information factor of this process, which caused widespread public resonance in public space. It became a factor in the separation of independent public discourse of «decommunization».

Currently, the formation of Ukrainian historical memory discourse of high quality, its newest narrative representations is an integral part of the media culture of the media. These processes are caused not only by social and by communication changes in the system of information exchange. But also by mediatization of all spheres of social and interpersonal communication, by global technological progress, for example, the ex­pan­sion of public platforms of community, an activation of the civil and cultural sector, openness of the research institutions, as populism of the Ukrainian politicians and the presidential priority of the state memory policy formation. State support for historical media education processes is one of the positive aspects of the manifestation of mediation in the representation of memory discourse.

Keywords: communication, decommunization, discourse, information space, histo­rical memory, media, toponymy.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2021-1-81-100-112

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