Defining an integral quality indicator of post-press processes design

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Kudriashova A. V. № 1 (81) 28-34 Image Image

The principles of fuzzy logic, which have fuzzy boundaries, are used. The partial quality indicators of post-press processes design received in previous researches are presented, namely: “quality of the edition formation”, “quality of the production orga­nization” and “quality of the edition processing”. Linguistic variables, term-sets and universal sets of values for each partial indicator are presented. In this case, the linguistic variables of the partial indicator “quality of the edition formation” are “the edition in­dicators”, “design features” and “operating conditions”; and the linguistic variables of the partial indicator “quality of the production organization” are “the production ty­pe”, “materials” (processing complexity), “the equipment type”; and the linguistic variab­les of partial indicator “quality of the edition processing” are “technological and economic cal­culations” (the production efficiency), “technological process scheme”. The nature of the defuzzification process is described, which is one of the key ones in fuzzy logic and consists in converting the values of a fuzzy set into a quantitative indicator. Tables of values of membership functions are formed for each linguistic variable by points of division of universal set of values and term-sets. Fuzzy logical equations are constructed for each linguistic variable for all partial indicators, as well as for the terms “low”, “average”, “high” of the highest level. The method of calculating the integrated quality indicator is presented. The numerical value of the integrated quality indicator of post-press processes design is received.

Keywords: fuzzy logic, defuzzification, linguistic variable, membership function, fuz­zy logical equation, integral quality indicator, post-press processes design.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2021-1-81-28-34

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