Determination of basic descriptors in modelling targeted web interface for the distributed providing of educational services

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Neroda T. V. № 2 (78) 27-35 Image Image

The presented study thoroughly reviews the ways of education informatization and complex organization of academic space by increasing the mobility of information resources of common learning management systems and practical implementation of information and communication technologies in higher education.

The best educational practices have been analyzed devoted to methods of digital transformation of pedagogical process, to key role of information and communication in the formation of human competence as an information product, to deployment of a centralized e-education system with static content, without specifying ways to formalize and to adaptive content ordering.

The review results have shown the absence of modern mechanisms of content differentiation in online learning means. Therefore, the necessity of structuring communication flows of higher education institution data for distributed provision of specialized educational services has been substantiated.

Common components of electronic educational documentation and specification of typical objects of publication for their implementation have been studied. The hierarchy of specification descriptors for dynamic web interface of single-page application is specified. A specification model has been presented that is suitable for generating typical components of educational documentation according to the parameters of responsibility zone of the authorized recipient profile, which is provided by careful structuring of subject area content of academic knowledge base by marking key concepts. The algorithm of further qualitative analysis and subsequent clustering uniquely reflects adaptive content at end-terminal of an authenticated user of the computerized learning system

Keywords: educational services, electronic publication objects, profiled content, specification, targeted web interface, academic information space.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2019-2-78-27-35

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