Diachronic projection of online storytelling

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Nesterenko O. A. № 2 (72) 275-284 Image Image

In the article, the author has determined the scientific and theoretical basis used to multimedia stories research as a new format of online journalism. Online storytelling has been analyzed through diachronic lenses. The potential of the syncretic innovation format in presenting the information at the international, national and regional le­vels has been described. It is emphasized that longreads emerged with the advent of accessible information technology and media production techniques creating a unique environment — a synthesis of various types of verbal, visual and audio information. The author has concludes that modern motivated consumers of information need explanatory journalism that reports the complex events and phenomena in an accessible visualized format with multimedia elements, special design and many more. Rapid penetrating of longreads in the communication space has proved to be viable and necessary.

Keywords: multimedia, media story, longread, Internet resource, Internet platform, format.

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