Drive of the die-cutting pressing plate with using the screw-nut transmission (analysis of kinetic power components)

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Rehei I. I., Knysh O. B., Ternytskyi S. V., Behen P. I., Радіховський І. А. № 1 (81) 51-61 Image Image

The article focuses on the die-cutting presses construction, which are based on wed­ging lever mechanisms and develop significant efforts during cutting cardboard involutes. The technical disadvantage of combined lever mechanisms of the pressure plate drive is revealed: during the cycle it oscillates, which negatively affects both the quality of cut­ting cardboard involutes and the die-cutting press operational characteristics. A new drive of the die-cutting section pressure plate is proposed, which consist of a four-link lever mechanism, gears and “screw-nut” gears. It is stated that the developed technique makes it possible to estimate the components of the kinetic power of the certain format die-cutting press drive according to the actual sizes of screws, nuts, gears and the central gear, which performs reversible-oscillating motion. The prototype is a die-cutting press of the BOBST SP series machine with a pressure plate working format 1020×720 mm. It is studied that the phase of die-cutting cardboard involutes is the shortest for others, limited by the time from the moment of the die-cutting form tools contact with the card­board to the moment of stopping the pressure plate. The value of kinetic power spent on cutting cardboard involutes, overcoming of a massive pressure plate weight during a wor­king phase is received. According to the research results, the current and maximum values of the kinetic power which is generated in the process of acceleration and braking of the drive elements moving masses are established and revealed. The obtained results will be used for justification of the total power of the die-cutting machine press drive.

Keywords: cardboard packaging, die-cutting equipment, press, pressure plate, screw-nut transmission, gear, kinetic power, technological resistance, inertial loads, peak values.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2021-1-81-51-61

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