Ecological flexible packaging: current trends

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Kukura Yu. A., Kukura V. V., Repeta V. B. № 1 (83) 36-46 Image Image

Based on the analysis of modern research and publications, the criteria characterizing ecological packaging are formulated and the main ecological trends of the packaging industry development are determined in accordance with these criteria. Based on the analysis of the survey of leading industry experts, the trends in the packaging industry development that have the greatest potential for change are identified. It is established that the circulating economy will change the packaging industry the most. Its successful implementation within three to five years requires the introduction of resource-saving packaging, monomaterials, reusable packaging and increased use of recyclable materials.

The received results are confirmed by the analysis of practical achievements of leading European companies presented at FachPack 2021. As an example, the recycling technology of polyethylene terephthalate film processing is described which is based on additional glycolysis process developed by TPL (Switzerland). On the example of Jindal Films (India), a comprehensive solution is developed for replacing polyethylene terephthalate films and paper used in multilayer materials with oriented polypropylene films of OPPalyte and Bicor series, the use of which in combination with standard polypropylene films series allows one to create monomaterials with high temperature resistance and durability. On the example of Eurofilm Mantzaris S.A. (Greece) developments, monomaterials using modified oriented polyethylene MDO-PE films with a wide range of properties are considered.

As a result of the results analysis of the expert surveys, marketing research, publications and developments of leading companies, the main current trends in the production of environmentally friendly flexible packaging and prospects for their implementation are identified. This will allow Ukrainian packaging manufacturers to adjust long-term production development plans in line with global trends, and scientists to offer their solutions to problems that arise in this segment of packaging.

Keywords: ecological packaging, polymer films, polyethylene, polypropylene, polyethylene terephthalate, monomaterials, recycling.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2022-1-83-36-46

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