Formation of reprezentations about advertising as a form of mass communication

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Liashchenko A. V. № 2 (70) 111-118 Image Image

The problem of socio-cultural understanding of the role and place of advertising in terms of Ukraine’s transition to an information society is still little known in both the theoretical and practical aspects. In addition, its study should be interdisciplinary as it combines mass communication, social relations in the society, market relations in the economy. An integrated approach involves the study of advertising as a form of mass communication, which not only provides product sales but also affects the progress in the social life of socially significant ideals. In connection with this, there is a need for more in-depth study of social and philosophical problems, psychological and cultural mechanisms Institute of advertising, which are determined by current trends of social development, as well as the impact of these mechanisms on the spiritual, social, cultural and emotional state of the individual in the communicative process.

Keywords: advertising, communication study, information society,mass communication, public relations.

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