Galicianisms in Lviv’s interbellum fashion-journalism: remarks for galician lexicon protection (on the materials of the «Dilo» and «Novyi Chas» daily newspapers

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Astaptseva Kh. A. № 2 (78) 126-140 Image Image

Fashion is an important part of our everyday life. It is a phenomenon of expres­sing cultural identity. The perception of correct fashion-terms by the recipients (maga­zine readers) depends on its right encrypting by journalist. A plenty of fashion-words in Ukrainian are considered similar (having the same roots) to Russian one because of Soviet Union regime intervention. So it is necessary you use for fashion publications authentic Ukrainian Lexion. This strategy should be another one unifying link for the Ukrainian society. Today, Ukraine is flooded with foreign publishing conglomerates. But we have own traditions in the publishing sphere and they must been revived.

That is why this article focuses on the Lexical characteristics of interwar (1935-39’s) Lviv’s fashion-columnists publications as Kharytyna Kononenko (“Dilo” daily newspaper) and Stefaniia Martyniuk (“Novyi Chas” daily newspaper). We have considered the most striking examples of lexical and phraseological units encountered in their texts. In addition, we have characterized the influence of Lviv’s editors and journalists on word formation process. The expediency of coming back quite a few of old forgotten Galician words to our fashion-vocabulary has been justified in this paper. Also, we have analyzed the opinions of authoritative Ukrainian scientists, writers and linguists on updating the Galician version of the Ukrainian language. As a result, it has been concluded that returning of Galicianizms to our vocabulary will help Ukrainians to distance themselves as much as possible from the policy of Russification, imposed on the Ukrainian people firstly by Soviet Union regime and secondly now by social networks and internet media.

Keywords: fashion journalism, “Novyi Chas” daily newspaper (“The New Time”), “Dilo” daily newspaper (“The Deed”), interwar Lviv, Galician lexicon, Galicianizms, fashion lexicon, newspaper editors, words creating, fashion-columnists Kharytyna Ko­nonenko & Stefaniia Martyniuk.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2019-2-78-126-140

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