Influence of public organizations on the image of Lutsk — tools, means and interaction

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Kulynych M. M., Романюк Ю. В. № 1 (81) 140-147 Image Image

The article is devoted to the problems of the image of the city of Lutsk, the influence of public organizations on the image and the relationship between them. The study high­lights the impact of various events on the overall image of the city in the eyes of residents and its guests. Particular attention is paid to the image formation through the cooperation of local authorities and NGOs. Theoretical and methodical bases of for­mation of strategies for the purpose of creation of desirable image, tools and ways of realization are outlined. The current image of Lutsk, the tourist potential of the city and the real active public local organizations are characterized. The artistic tourist route “Lutsk Street Art” is offered as an example of a PR event with image-making purpose.

Keywords: image creation, city promotion, PR strategy, public organization, for­mation of the desired image, system of PR events, art route, promotion.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2021-1-81-140-147

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