Information technology for interactive visualization of the learning experiment results

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The reasons for the popularity of consumer cardboard packaging among consumers are analyzed. The main advantages of cardboard compared to other materials used for the manufacture of consumer and industrial packaging are presented. The classification of die-cutting equipment according to the shape of working contact surfaces is described. The main advantages and disadvantages for flat, flat cylindrical and rotary die-cutting equipment are listed. The scheme and description of the flat die-cutting press, for which analytical research were carried out, are presented. The importance of a rational choice of geometric dimensions and their influence on kinematic parameters of the equipment is substantiated. The geometric diagram of the research of the flat die-cutting press is presented, with a graphic designation of the dimensions that must be determined in the process of analytical research. The method of analytical calculation of the geometric dimensions of the considered flat die-cutting press is presented. Scientific works devoted to the research of kinematic parameters of the equipment used for the manufacture of cardboard packaging blanks, in particular flat die-cutting presses, are analyzed. Ana­lytical studies of the influence of the change in the geometric dimensions of the design of the flat punching press on its kinematic parameters with the law of periodic motion “cosinusoid” are carried out. The obtained results can be used for further analytical research, in particular, the energy parameters of the flat die-cutting press.

Keywords: a die-cutting press, kinematic parameters, the law of periodic motion, scheme, methodology, analytical calculation.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2024-1-87-156-164

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