Matrix concept of the nation: social communicative context

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Kovpak V. A. № 1 (69) 101-110 Image Image

In the design and relay Ukrainian national narrative special place belongs to the joint information and communication space uniting media reflection on the diachronic and synchronic levels, including the diaspora. A key factor contributing to the consolidation of the public has been and remains a national idea. However, in the Ukrainian scientific paradigm there is no unified and common methodological model (scheme), which would serve as a tool for integration of different theoretical developments of Ukrainian scientists at the national idea. Therefore, for the formation of national identity as part of the national idea must be a single communicative field in which media strategy design overall national indicators for the cohesion of the social groups, local ethnic communities, «work» on the development of communicative effective information and communication activities of the mass media. Dimensional array of elements, modeling matrix concept of the nation, is made up of such indicators, which, of course, overlap in daily social practices: worldview nation (social meanings, concepts, symbols, stereotypes, myths, etc.) and public-ideological system (ideological vector, legislation, public policies, etc.). Such a definition is a working, but it is possible to prove the legitimacy of the use of the cognitive approach.

Keywords: information and communication activities, a national idea, matrix concept of the nation.

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