Optimization of the barcode quality assessment process.

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Havenko S. F., Конюхов О. Д., Koniukhova I. I., Bazyliuk K. F. № 1 (79) 68-77 Image Image

The paper presents the results of optimization of the quality assessment process of barcodes printed with inks with magnetic properties. The qualimetric quality indicators used to assess barcode lines (the barcode line width, the barcode line blur and uneven outer edges of barcode lines) that determine the correctness of their verification include the accuracy of reproduction of lines and intervals that contain the necessary encoded information. Studies have shown that the barcode printing quality is affected by the percentage of magnetic impurities in the developed printing inks with magnetic properties, which contain nanoparticles of Nickel oxide. The analysis of the normality of the experimental data distribution has been assessed by the Shapiro-Wilk test and the relationship between the percentage of magnetic impurities and the non-uniformity of the barcode line as well as the relationship between the line non-uniformity and the barcode line width and the relationship between the line width and the barcode line blur have been established. In this study, the relationship between parameters has been determined by Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients. The constructed graphs show the presence of a polynomial relationship between the corresponding parameters. The use of the nonlinear regression method for the considered dependencies proves this hypothesis, since in all cases the coefficient of multiple correlation is close to one. These results suggest that there is a corresponding polynomial relationship between the analysed parameters and they help to construct three-dimensional graphs showing this relationship for the relevant parameters.

Keywords: optimization, barcode, printing ink, magnetic properties, quality parameters.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-1-79-68-77

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