Publishing and pedagogical approach to the problem of electronic educational resources typologization

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Zhenchenko M. I., Melnyk O. M., Женченко І. В., Prykhoda Ya. V. № 1 (79) 121-141 Image Image

The key in the development of a high-quality electronic educational resource (EER) is the creation of its clear typological portrait (similar to the paper edition) at the first stage and consistent adherence to certain typological features at all stages of its preparation, design and implementation. Detailed typological certainty helps to improve the quality of EERs, its functional efficiency, proper market representation, which provides social and commercial demand. The objectivity of the structure of EERs at the national level also depends on the correct classification of EERs. The combination of typological characteristics of EERs with the quality and cost of its preparation, development and implementation form the market value of any of them.

The article analyses the classifications of EERs, presented in regulations and research papers, identified different approaches for the typological division: pedagogical (in the context of teaching methods) and publishing (in the context of EERs development). The typological features of EERs developed in pedagogical and publishing scientific discourses are generalized and systematized, the approaches to classification of electronic editions and software as part of EERs are taken into account and the typological features of EERs are harmonized with requirements to metadata of educational objects and educational resources defined in international and national standards. A facet classification has been developed, which has become the basis for typology of EERs according to a set of features grouped into five categories: general (language, structure), educational (direction of use, functions in the educational process, users (audience), form (level) of education); publishing and technological (availability of printed equivalent, availability of editorial and publishing processing, developers, development technologies, techno­logies of use); technical (form of existence, presentation of data, method of data use, type of data and nature of basic information, format, nature of interaction with the user, dependence on operating systems (mobile platforms), stability); legal (limited space, type of license).

Emphasis is placed on the tendency of foreign publishers to develop thematic packa­ges, combined with special software, into integrated digital educational environments, rather than individual EERs.

Keywords: electronic educational resource, electronic document, electronic edition, electronic educational content, classification of electronic educational resources.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-1-79-121-141

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