Qualitative research in advertising: theoretical aspects

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Hovera O. I., Ryzhyi I. B. № 1 (77) 135-143 Image Image

The structure of qualitative research in advertising has been studied in this article. The research objectives have been described. The approaches to identifying the motives of making purchases have been analyzed. Special methods of qualitative research have been considered, in particular the method of problem identification, the method of design, the method of deep individual interview. The peculiarities of quantitative research application as important component of the advertising process have been researched.

In particular, the means and objectives of quantitative research, their possibilities and advantages have been considered. It has been shown that polling as one of the main methods of carrying out quantitative research gives the opportunity to classify consumers, to identify homogeneous groups of buyers.

The necessity of the complex application of qualitative and quantitative researches, especially in the profile of the typical consumer, has been explained. The importance of preliminary testing of the finished advertising product has been emphasized, directions of using its results have been outlined.

There are two types of research that are used at the stage of advertising. The connection between advertising researches, situational analysis and strategy development of the next advertising campaign has been revealed. It has been emphasized that the assessment of the advertising text should contain a system of indicators related to the purposes of advertising. In this case, requirements for effective advertising text have been formulated.

Theoretical approaches to the evaluation of advertising text have been suggested. According to the results of the analysis, appropriate generalizations have been made, on the basis of which the author’s vision of the role and place of research in the advertising process has been suggested.

Keywords: trade mark, reference group, focus group, in-depth interview, target audience, consumers, surveys, questionnaires, logo, psychographic characteristics, ad­vertising campaign.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2019-1-77-135-143

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