The analysis of scientific works, analytical reviews, statistical data of the modern state of packaging industry shows that flexographic printing technique is currently one of the most common methods of applying images on a variety of materials, including paper, cardboard, film, fabric, plastic and other flexible materials. This method has wide practical usage in various industries and is used for printing on packages, labels, newspapers, magazines, books, fabrics, wrapping film, boxes, cartons, etc. The production of masked flexographic plates differs from the standard process of the flexographic plate manufacturing. The main characteristic is the use of a black masking layer for the laser engraving. Classical flexographic plates are used as a basis. The DuPont company developed the technology of the flexographic printing plate production with flat-top printing elements using the lamination process to prevent the air oxygen impact. Flexographic printing plates with flat-top elements provide more homogeneous and uniform printing, reduce the risk of stains and contamination sudden appearance, and provide the high level of the image detalization and resolution. They can reproduce thin lines, details, and texture with the high quality. These shapes allow providing better control over the gradation transfer of the color. Due to the flat top layer, the ink is evenly distributed and does not spread. This fact allows achieving a smoother transition from one tone to another. Also, the smoother application of the ink and better control over the thickness of the ink layer help to achieve more efficient use of the ink and lower costs. Flat-top printing elements are more resistant to wearing. Their flat shape helps to reduce friction and wearing during the printing process, which prolongates the usage of the plate. The authors have conducted the study of the DuPont’s technologies usage for the production of flexographic printing plates with the traditional photochemical method and using the lamination process.
Keywords: digital photopolymer plates, flexographic printing plate, printing elements, flexographic printing method, label and packaging products, quality assessment.
doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2023-1-85-81-90
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