Research of simulated deterioration influence on electrophysical parameters of banknote paper

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Kyrychok T. Yu., Sukhina Ye. H. № 2 (70) 36-46 Image Image

The article analyzes the emergence of preconditions electrophysical properties of banknote paper, mechanisms of degradation of the banknote paper in circulation. An analysis of the correlation of the interrelation of electrophysical properties of banknote paper and its stage of detioration. Research of the parameters such as surface and volume resistance, capacitance and dielectric loss tangent for the two types of banknote paper with different volume sizing carried out. Banknote paper electrical circuits for measuring of these indicators are shown. Research results show that electrophysical properties are a measure of degradation of banknote paper.

Keywords: banknote paper, deterioration, banknote durability, surface resistance, volume resistance, deterioration parameters, volume sizing

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