Research on reproduction quality of images in screen printing method

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Ковальчук А. М., Lotoshynska N. D., Maik L. Ya., Семенова О. Є. № 1 (79) 78-88 Image Image

The basic tendencies and prospects of development of screen printing method have been analysed, in particular, summary information about leading researchers and practitioners engaged in the research of screen printing method, as well as manufacturers of screen printing equipment. Screen printing method is becoming more widely used due to the decrease of products edition and the advent of high-performance screen printing equipment. Screen printing method allows highly artistic imprints with various special effects due to the peculiarity of printing process through the plate and screening effect of grid - basics of the printing plate. The ability to adjust the ink thickness on the stencil print allows its use for various specific tasks, in particular the print media for the visually impaired. It is also impossible to imagine a number of industries without screen printing method where you need to apply images to complex configuration objects оr different types of specific materials. Such industries include textile, light, porcelain, ceramic, electronic, furniture and other industries. One of the important areas of screen printing application is the printing on different types of fabrics, including finished products (T-shirts, caps, hats, jackets, flags, pennants, bags, athletic form). Therefore, the study has been carried out on different types of fabrics (cotton, footer, flannel) with water and plastisol inks. The basic screen printing factors that affect the quality of imprints are: circulation, productivity and efficiency of the process. In addition, the basic printing and technological parameters of screen printing inks and printed materials, which have a significant impact on the quality of imprints, are defined. Practical recommendations for printing with plastisol and water inks on different types of fabrics are given.

Keywords: screen printing method, water paints, plastisol inks, resistance of the ink layer to scaling and abrasion, method of accelerated aging, spectrophotometric method, adhesive method.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-1-79-78-88

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