Restoration measures to improve the condition of preserved printed editions

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Криховець О. В., Repeta V. B. № 1 (87) 140-147 Image Image

Modern production industries are making significant investments in emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), big data analytics, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. These technologies form a network of interconnected devices, sensors, and software that monitor and optimize production processes. By leveraging these advancements, industries can effectively manage complex systems, enhance information visibility, improve production metrics, and gain competitive advantages in the global market. This progression is leading to a new era of smart production, characterized by cyber-physical systems that seamlessly integrate physical and virtual enterprises.

This article delves into the IoT technologies and systems that are driving innovation in smart production. It examines various IoT applications in smart factories, including predictive maintenance, asset tracking, inventory management, quality control, and production process monitoring. The proposed intelligent IoT system architecture consists of five levels: cyber-physical systems, network, software, modeling, and optimization. Each level has distinct functionalities and interacts with the others to ensure the efficiency and optimization of production processes. This architecture facilitates the systematic management and processing of large data volumes, providing flexibility and scalability within the production environment. Furthermore, the article analyzes the inevitable transformation of the printing industry through IoT. It highlights the value of IoT devices in industrial functions, operations, and implementations. The discussion identifies unresolved challenges for the complete transformation of the industry and suggests advanced methods for improving quality control and optimizing printing processes. By adopting these technologies, the printing industry can achieve significant advancements in efficiency, productivity, and overall process optimization.

In conclusion, IoT is not just a technology trend but a fundamental shift that is reshaping the production landscape. As industries continue to embrace IoT and related technologies, they unlock new potentials for innovation, efficiency, and competitiveness. The detailed examination of IoT applications and architectures in this article underscores the transformative impact of these technologies on modern production, paving the way for the future of smart, data-driven production environments.

Keywords: smart printing production, IoT, architecture, IoT technologies, communication protocols, IoT platforms, monitoring, cyber security.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2024-1-87-61-74

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