Selection of technology for printing enterprises with the help of dynamic programming

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Kulchytska Kh. B., Semeniv M. R. № 1 (85) 123-133 Image Image

Digital technologies are used to produce a wide variety of products – from forms to multi-volume book editions in printing industry. Specialization of enterprises, both subject-wise and technologically, helps reduce product prices and increase profits. The task of selecting a technology for a specific specialized enterprise becomes more complicated if there are several enterprises as well as technologies, and it is also necessary to make a choice under the condition of limited investments and ensuring maximum benefit. This problem is solved using the method of dynamic programming, that is, in dynamics, incrementally with the use of Bellman’s functional equations.

The paper explores four options: refusal to implement the technology and three digital technologies, namely computer to print, computer to press, computer to plate, which can be implemented at three printing enterprises that have subject specialization, namely, the production of accidental, magazine and book products.

The selection of technologies for specialized enterprises is carried out taking into account the profit and costs of implementation by two methods of calculation: forward and backward, each of which made conditionally optimal and unconditionally optimal decisions. The number of steps is equal to the number of enterprises that choose the technology. The calculation is carried out in two ways, which gives similar results: it is beneficial to implement computer to print technology at enterprises producing non-fiction and magazine products, and computer to plate technology at an enterprise specializing in the production of book products.

The optimal digital technology for specialized printing enterprises is determined using dynamic programming, which ensures the maximum benefit with costs equal to the proposed investments.

Keywords: printing industry, choice of digital technology, dynamic programming, Bellman’s functional equations.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2023-1-85-123-133

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