Standardization of the internet of things: current state and development prospects

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Panovyk U. P. № 1 (85) 51-64 Image Image

The Internet of Things (IoT) is now more than a new technology, and the IoT community has begun to develop ambitious solutions and deploy large and complex IoT systems. It affects many areas of our lives, including governance, education, business, manufacturing, entertainment, transportation, infrastructure, healthcare, and many others. The IoT involves interaction between various devices and technological support. This new IoT challenge will only be solved if the IoT community develops a culture of openness about interoperability, supporting numerous applications, and building healthy ecosystems. The role of standards is now widely recognized as one of the key drivers of this open approach, which requires common standards with well-defined protocols and interoperable interfaces to ensure seamless IoT operation. Global IoT standardization is the only solution to this problem.

A number of standards already exist for those developing IoT systems. They make it possible to meet many requirements of IoT systems in a wide range of solutions (from consumer to industrial) for numerous domains such as cities, eHealth, HR, transportation, etc. There are numerous organizations dealing with standards, both formal and informal, and the scope is wide. Many developing applications use their own standards, and many standards are still under development. Solutions rely on various co-existing protocols, interfaces, and platforms, either proprietary or off-the-shelf. Some IoT standards are formal standards, while some are informal standards agreed upon in forums or alliances or dictated by companies that play a critical role. Cooperation between different organizations is important and necessary. However, there are many open issues for discussion and standardization, which require coordination of efforts, empowerment of local solutions, and other aspects. The article analyzes the current state of standardization, particularly the new approaches currently being used by standardization organizations that will rapidly expand the scope of current standards. The relationship between the existing IoT standards and the problems that need solutions are considered. The importance of standardization for specific countries, in particular for Ukraine, in the context of global initiatives that support social development and economic growth, is noted.

Keywords: Internet of things, standardization, devices, technologies, information security, Standards Development Organizations.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2023-1-85-51-64

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