Study of the geometric parameters of the trajectory of movement of book and magazine blocks during trimming

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Vatuliak Yu. V. № 1 (87) 148-155 Image Image

The set of factors prioritizing the quality of prepress processes in newspaper production includes dimensional parameters, font design, illustrative design, compositional-graphic design, typesetting, and layout. To determine the set of most influential factors in prepress processing of newspapers, an expert assessment method is used. A semantic network is constructed—a structured model reflecting the relationships between various elements in the system, concepts, or objects and used to represent semantic information as a graph, where nodes represent isolated factors, and edges show connections between them. Each node may have associated properties or attributes. Semantic networks are utilized in various fields such as linguistics, artificial intelligence, information technology, and many others. The linguistic essence of the relationships between factors of prepress processing of newspapers is described. The theoretical basis for ranking factors is provided. The ranking is based on the number of influences and dependencies between factors and their weighting coefficients. Multi-level hierarchical graphs of direct and mediated influences and dependencies between factors are constructed. Weighting coefficients for first and second-order relationships are designed. Computational data regarding the ranking of factors are presented: the weights of all types of relationships of each factor and the summary weights are determined. The ranks of factors and their prioritization are established. A model of prioritizing factors’ influence on the quality of prepress processing of newspapers is developed, according to which the highest level of priority belongs to the “dimensional parameters” factor, and the lowest — illustrative design.

Keywords: newspaper, prepress processes, semantic network, ranking, factor, prioritization, model.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2024-1-87-53-60

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