Studying of ways to promote reading on the material of regional socio communication project

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Solodka L. I. № 2 (72) 245-255 Image Image

The purpose of the article is exploring the diversified experience of reading support in modern conditions particularly important for searching new ways to attract the attention and create the positive attitude to the book as an important component of the cultural, professional and intellectual enriching of the human. Based on different area studios understanding in publishing, marketing, social communication etc., the essence of the concept “social communication project” has been interpreted, its content markers (unicity of functions and topics, focus on a specific recipient and the particular purpose) has been eliminated. Specific of the definitions “reading”, “culture of reading”, “book communication” and “book crossing” has been determined. In the regional dimension the activity of the socio-cultural project of the reader club “Freebook” based on the modern youth intellectual movement Book Crossing in the effective promotion of reading has been analysed. The impact of the cultural message of the community to the audience including the formation of public opinion about the culture of reading has been studied.

Keywords: social communication project, social communication, culture of reading, book communication, book crossing, reading in the modern world, promotion of reading, reading among young people.

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