Author(s) | Collection number | Pages | Download abstract | Download full text |
Khamula O. H., Vasiuta S. P. | № 1 (83) | 59-65 |
The paper explains the essence of the convenience of reading a printed text, which is due to the semantics of the text material, namely, the legibility of the grapheme of the font letter. In addition, the typographic design of the text has significant importance. The reader must perceive the text information with minimal effort, rethinking the characters as objects. Diverse fonts can be evaluated differently. Spaces between letters and words, font size, colour, saturation, the nature of strokes, their thickness, slope, shape, texture, presence or absence of serifs, line spacing, and line length, all these attributes determine how easy the text is to read. Using them in various combinations can both facilitate the ease of reading as well as worsen it. Therefore, the proper choice of typographic parameters can contribute to or impair the letter recognition and comprehension.
Based on the analysis of the hierarchy method, it is established that this technique is used to solve many practical issues at different planning levels. A hierarchically structured model is developed with the help of pairwise comparisons. It shows the priority of influencing the considered set of factors in the infographics font design.
The studied methodology allows one to include all the factors in the hierarchy on this issue. The theory reflects what seems natural to human thinking. This way of representing the hierarchy of factors reflects how the priority of factors at the lower levels of the hierarchy affects the priority of factors at the higher levels. The obtained hierarchical model shows that the most important factors in the infographics font design are the parameters of the font size and font layout.
The studies show that the correct selection of typographic font parameters for each type of infographics will facilitate the reading and increase the perception of text from the screen. It will allow identifying the main factors according to the degree of influence and taking them into account to optimize the system’s algorithm.
Keywords: infographics, font, type family, factors, matrix, hierarchy, graph, typeface, font size, typography.
doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2022-1-83-59-65