The adjustable electric drive for printing presses

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Belyaev V. P. № 2 (70) 86-95 Image Image

The essence of the original pulse-width voltage for the asynchronous electric drive is stated. It does not include certain higher harmonious compo-nents of the small order. Results of the harmonious analysis of this voltage which feeds windings of the engine had been investigated. Construction of individual model in the environment of MatLab–Simulink for this research that had been established and of the transients in the considered electric drive had been concluded. The model has no basic errors which are inherent in some regular Simulink blocks. Electromagnetic transitive processes in the engine and electro mechanic processes, established in the engine under the different loadings and final values of speed of the mechanism had been investigated. Results of the research confirm adequacy of realization of necessary processes of the electric drive. Advantages of offered pulse-width pressure for the windings of the asynchronous engine feeding have been shown. Research results will specify essential decrease in heating volume losses while start-up and braking processes.

Keywords: printing presses, the adjustable parametrical asynchronous electric drive.

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