The expediency of using exposure correction tools for the formation of optimal tonal reproduction of a digital photo

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Dubnevych M. M., Holubnyk T. S., Maik L. Ya., Selmenska Z. M. № 2 (84) 56-68 Image Image

The article deals with the topical issue of improving the quality characteristics of digital photographs. In particular, the material support of digital photography equipment designed to establish the optimal technical parameters of photography is analysed. It is found that setting the exposure according to the data of the built-in or external exposure meter does not guarantee the correct exposure if there are large light or dark objects in the frame.

An objective analysis of the quality indicators of a digital photographic image, in particular the reproduction of gradation content, when processed by the exposure correction function at the stage of photography and subsequent post-photographic processing of images in two types of software (graphic editor PhotoShop CS 2020 and RAW converter Digital Photo Professional (Canon)) is made.

Based on the analysis, it is found that the use of the exposure correction function and changing the exposure by setting a different shutter speed provide the same to­nal reproduction of the photo image. The results of exposure correction at the post-pho­tographic stage are significantly different from the results provided by the same function during photography.

Based on the analysis of practically obtained results, it is found that the correction effect of positive exposure in the environment of the graphic editor PhotoShop CS 2020 (Adobe) is significantly higher than with exposure correction during photography. The results of the effect of the exposure correction function on photo gradation in the en­vironment of the graphic editor PhotoShop CS 2020 and the RAW converter Digital Photo Professional (Canon) are completely different.

Recommendations for setting the exposure parameters of photography as precisely as possible are formulated, and in case of special semantics of the frame, it is suggested to carry out exposure correction at the photographic stage.

Keywords: photography, exposure, gradation content, exposure correction, graphic editor, RAW converter, aperture, shutter speed.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2022-2-84-54-66

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