The influence of surface plastic deformation (rolling finishing) on the microhardness of the laminate diffusion layer and on the texturization process in it

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Manko O. V. № 1 (77) 30-38 Image Image

The results of the metallographic analysis and analysis of the microhardness of the multilayer diffusion layer with the external composite zone after the rolling finishing process have been considered, and the effect of different modes of this process on the microhardness and texturing has been investigated.

At the same time, the influence of plastic deformation is first of all manifested in zones with lower microhardness characteristics, despite the fact that they lie deeper. The parameters of microhardness after the influence of the rolling finishing process increase in all zones except for the outer composition zone 1, the total microhardness of which remains unchanged. In zone 2 with a homogeneous structure of a solid solution of chromium in α-iron, microhardness immediately increases from 4,4 GPa to 8 GPa and remains this despite the growth of tensions. Similarly, in eutectoid zone 3 microhardness increases from 4,0 GPa to a maximum of 6 GPa. Only in the decarburized zone 4 the microhardness increases with increasing tension.

The beginning of texture of the decarburized zone 4 is observed at the value of tension i = 0.10 mm and above. The expressive texture of the decarburized zone 4, which gives the strengthening effect, is formed at tensions from 0,15 to 0,20 mm.

The suggested technological coating operation of the resulting coating will reduce the stresses of stress concentrators, which can lead to accelerated surface destruction, reduce the risk of deformation of the coating during operation and the premature wear of friction pairs, which can lead to a shortened service life of the hardened friction pair.

Keywords: rolling, chemical and thermal treatment, microhardness, diffusion layer, diametrical gap, stress concentrators, cold-hardening, texture.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2019-1-77-30-38

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