The investigation of influence of physical and mechanical properties of oil aroma varnishes on printing products quality in web offset

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Khadzhynova S., Labetska M., Petryk P., Stempien K. № 2 (70) 79-85 Image Image

The influence of aroma varnish surface tension on the quality of varnishing was under consideration in the article. Factors that impact the process of varnish wetting of the printing plate and prints, their roughness and topography of the surface in particular, are indicated. Based on a simulation model of the process of selective varnishing of paper prints, the need of adding of hard artificial resin balls with a diameter bigger than the diameter of the microcapsules into the aroma varnish composition was proved. This prevents their premature destruction in a printing machine, providing the intensity of aroma areas on the prints.

Keywords: aroma varnish, offset web printing, surface tension, roughness, advertising

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