The role of ontology in evaluating the competence of experts. Methodology of processing expert conclusions concerning factors affecting the quality of post-printing processing of book editions

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Kudriashova A. V., Сельменський Р. А. № 2 (84) 38-45 Image Image

An ontology of scientific and professional activity is developed to analyse the com­petence of experts with the aim of forming an expert group that will carry out an expert assessment of factors influencing the quality of post-press processing of book editions. Terminology of scientific and professional activity is described, including academic deg­rees, positions, publication ratings, practical experience, etc. A taxonomy of ontology terms is formed, the main classes of which are: priority direction of research, specialty, expert, participation in research and development works, published educational and methodo­lo­gical works, published monographs, published articles, organization. A general onto­lo­gical graph of classes is constructed. The structure of the ontology directly affects the ability to establish the optimal solution of the main or secondary problems, and the ite­ra­tive approach to creation consists in step-by-step learning (filling) of the ontology. Cons­tant addition of new classes and connections between them is possible, which allows the ontology to be adapted and updated.

The required number of experts is calculated at a satisfactory level of confidence probability. The method of processing expert conclusions is presented. To assess the re­lative importance of factors influencing the quality of post-press processing of book edi­tions, the method of scale assessment is used, according to which the evaluation is car­ried out on a 100-point scale, where 100 points are assigned to the maximum degree of impor­tance, and 0 points to the minimum. Features of determining the centre of expert data grouping on the rating scale are described.

Keywords: ontology, taxonomy, graph, technological process, expert assessment, expert, expert opinion, competence.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2022-2-84-36-43

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