Typological features of ukrainian book periodicals of the 1990-2000s

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The issues of forming the “book press” as a separate thematic direction in mass media of independent Ukraine have been considered. The semantics of the “book press” term has been justified.

The main typological features of the book press and book journalism have been described. Within the framework of this research the main criteria of typological division have been considered, such as: reader purpose / audience direction of mass media (addressee, its characteristics); thematic-subject structure; the nature of the audience; functionality; periodicity; material and constructive form.

Particular attention is paid to the thematic-typological component and the reader’s purpose of the analyzed type of media. At the heart of our research interest is a publication with a formed audience orientation (reader interest) - the publication of book press / book journalism. It is the reader’s purpose, as well as the corresponding conceptual, semantic characteristics that underlie the general typological division of the press on the basis of quality into mass (popular) and quality (elite). This typological pair needs a more detailed consideration in the context of a mass (general) publication - a specia­lized publication.

The attention is also drawn to the fact that in the context of studying the history of book journalism, the criterion for assessing the author’s composition (journalists-experts which specializing in this topic) is decisive. The special role in the creation of the modern history of the Ukrainian press since the independence is of the author’s expert staff, in particular: Konstantin Rodik, Mykhailo Brynykh, Mykola Ryabchuk, Igor Bondar-Tereshchenko, etc.

Important criteria of division, which depend on the main ones, have been analyzed, such as: internal structure, genres, artistic and technical design, circulation, breadth of distribution.

The specifics of literary and book topics have been presented, as well as the situation with the coverage of this topic in the “book press”, the analysis also includes the categories of “genre” and “style”.

This segment of Ukrainian periodic have been characterized in the term of forming special discursive practice – book journalism.

Keywords: Ukrainian book press, book journalism, readership, mass media.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-1-79-169-178

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