Universal information three-dimensional ink printing system model of offset press «Speedmaster-74»

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Verkhola M. I. № 2 (72) 72-83 Image Image

The algorithm for creating of ink printing systems three-dimension model has been proposed, under which the universal three-dimensional mathematical model of ink printing system offset press of the company Heidelberg «Speedmaster-74» has been developed. The ink transfer and its distribution in ink printing system are presented by micro flows each of which is described by equations based on discrete transformation methods. The working mode of n-zones of ink feeding unit and oscillating cylinders with a complex trajectory has been mathematically described because they both perform turning and axial movements. The image on the surface of the printing plate system is set by the operator that generates the character of printing and blank elements placement. The developed mathematical model is universal because it makes possible to research ink transfer processes for raster images reproduction with different resolution and obtain three-dimensional images of imprints in the ink printing system output.

Keywords: three-dimension mathematical model, ink feeding system, branched signal graph, oscillating cylinder, processes of ink transfer and distribution, ink micro flows, printing plate.

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