User-generated video content for the news

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Koval S. V. № 2 (72) 256-265 Image Image

The article examines one of the most widespread media phenomena today — the ways journalists make use of the user-generated video content. The specific technical and production specifications of user-generated video content have been identified including but not limited to low resolution, moving camera jitters and jerks, on the go shooting, long shots, inconsistent plane rotation, non-staged shooting, behind-the-scenes audio commentary, lack of metadata, etc. The author has analyzed UG-video content used for reporting the news on the nationwide TV channels, including «1+1», «STB», «Inter», and «ICTV». The themes often discussed in the user generated video news have been outlined, including violations of law, emergencies, accidents, ATO, politics, ecological issues, religion and many more. The necessity for a sufficient verification of the user-generated video content widely spread on the Internet has been emphasized.

Keywords: video content, user-generated content, user-generated video, UG-video content on the news, Ukrainian TV channels.

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