Web applications layout quality as a criteria for satisfaction of user needs

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Pikh I. V., Меренич Ю. Ю., Коцік О. Ю. № 1 (87) 19-27 Image Image

The theoretical-methodological, normative and applied aspects of the functioning of the Institute of Citizen Appeals from the standpoint of communicative interaction bet­ween the state and society are considered. The foreign experience in the field of working with citizens’ appeals is summarized and the key directions of adaptation in Ukraine are determined. The priorities of the modernization of the system of citizens’ appeals are justified, the attention is focused on the importance of effective feedback, the development of electronic democracy, the transparency of work with appeals based on the use of modern information and communication technologies.

The need for institutionalization of feedback mechanisms, objective assessment of existing communication processes, prompt response to identified challenges and problematic aspects, formation of a culture of interaction with citizens as petitioners and consumers of services is indicated. It is emphasized on the need to implement effective mechanisms for the response of government structures to citizens’ appeals, in particular, in terms of the development of electronic democracy, ensuring a more effective procedure for receiving, accounting, considering and processing appeals, ensuring transparency in the implementation of work with appeals based on the use of modern information and communication technologies. The importance of the systematic use of opportunities and resources, the latest information technologies, which create conditions for prompt access of citizens to public information, allow to ensure the transparency of the process of development and adoption of optimal management decisions, is substantiated.

Keywords: appeal of citizens, communication, interaction, state, society, effectiveness of communicative interaction, feedback.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2024-1-87-182-188

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