
The review of articles manuscripts submitted for publication in periodical scientific journals for academic plagiarism is carried out using Internet services, authorized by relevant orders and agreements of Academy, including Unicheck services ( If necessary, additional testing may be carried out by other freely available systems.

1. The concept and types of plagiarism

1.1. The terms are used in the following meanings:

1.1.1. Academic plagiarism means publication (partial or complete) of scientific (creative) results obtained by other persons as the results of their own research (creativity) and/or reproduction of published texts (published artworks) by other authors without specification of authorship.

1.1.2. The author is an individual whose creative activity produces some work.

1.1.3. The work is an information as a result of scientific or educational activity of a specific person (or co-author), presented as paper print or electronically in the Internet or published on the official web site of the university (monograph, manual, course book, article, preprint, dissertation manuscript, thesis, etc.).

1.1.4. The quote is a relatively short excerpt from a literary, scientific, or any other work published on the official website with the obligatory reference to its author and source of citation; it is used by another person in his work, in order to make clear his statement or reference to the views of another author in an authentic wording.

1.2. Varieties of Plagiarism:

1.2.1. The publication of the work done by another author as his own without making any changes to it.

1.2.2. Literal copying of the text fragments (from phrase to sentence set) without proper citation.

1.2.3. Making minor corrections to the copied material (rewording sentences, changing the order of words in them, etc.) and without proper citation.

1.2.4. Representation of a mixture of own and borrowed arguments without proper citation.

1.2.5. Paraphrase – the translation of their own words of other people's thoughts, ideas or text; the essence of the paraphrase is to replace the words (marks), phraseological references or proposals with the use of any author's scientific work (stored on electronic or paper carriers, in particular, posted in the Internet).

1.2.6. Compilation is the creation of a large array of text without in-depth study of the problem by copying text from a number of sources without making corrections, with reference to authors and "masking" by writing transitions between copied parts of the text.

1.2.7. Self-plagiarism is a publication (partial or complete) of own previously published scientific results as new scientific results.

2. Procedure for the implementation of measures focused on the verification of academic plagiarism of the articles submitted for publication in periodical scientific journals

1. Checking of articles manuscripts published in periodical scientific journals for academic plagiarism is carried out by means of Internet-based services on the basis of open Internet resources.

2. Checking of manuscripts of articles submitted prior to publication in periodical scientific publications is free of charge.

3. The head of the editorial and publishing department of the publishing house, the responsible secretaries of the editorial boards of the periodical scientific editions of the Academy are in charge of verifying the articles manuscripts for academic plagiarism.

4. The information about the fact of checking for plagiarism is posted on the site of the scientific journal.

5. To submit the articles manuscript for publication in the periodical journal the author (s):

a) prepare(s) a manuscript file of the article in a format acceptable for testing for plagiarism;

b) submit(s) a finished file of the manuscript of the article to the responsible secretary.

6. To check the manuscripts received from the author (s) for academic plagiarism, the responsible secretary:

a) verifies the manuscript of the article with Internet resources in the Internet service;

b) informs the editor-in-chief of the scientific journal about the index (percentage) of the originality of the article manuscript and provides a detailed electronic report on the results of the verification.

7. The results of the examination for academic plagiarism shall be taken into account when the editorial board makes a decision to accept the publication of article manuscript.

8. If the editorial board decides to print the work or makes the decision to reject the article, the process of checking for academic plagiarism is considered complete.

9. If the manuscript contains copied fragments undefined by the author which are not an academic plagiarism, or other minor technical defects are identified by the decision of the editorial board, the work may be returned to the author for further revision with the possibility of re-examination.

10. In case of a decision to deny the author to print his paper because it has been discovered that the article contains intentional text distortions, the alleged attempts to hide copied fragments or other manifestations of academic plagiarism, the editorial board must send the information about it the author.