Systematization and review of modern formats of audio information for multimedia electronic publications according to the degree of their compression is carried out. Positive and negative factors affecting sound quality are identified. Factors influencing the process of audio information processing are established on the basis of an analytical review of the professional literature and the developed cause-and-effect diagram of factors. Modern technologies of data storage of multimedia electronic publications are analysed and the expediency of using generally accepted audio data formats for them is determined. Based on the study, the priority parameters for choosing a rational audio data format are proposed, namely the quality, speed of downloading the audio track to the user’s device and the size of the audio data file. Based on the applied method of hierarchy analysis, a hierarchical representation of the problem of selecting a rational format of the audio data file for use in multimedia electronic publications on the example of audiobooks is developed. Average estimates of the importance of the identified priority parameters are determined. In addition, the average scores of all alternatives to the audio data format are determined according to the following criteria: file size, sound quality, speed of downloading the audio track to the user’s device. The global priority for each of the alternatives to the audio data format is considered.
Based on the results of the calculations, a rational format of audio data for multimedia publications is determined, which is characterized by an acceptable ratio of the quality of audio information to the size of the audio file.
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