Author(s) | Collection number | Pages | Download abstract | Download full text |
Нікітін В. О., Vasiuta S. P. | № 1 (85) | 32-39 |
Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience that combines the real world with computer-generated content. This article analyzes existing information technologies in augmented reality systems, explores and understands their limitations during usage or development, and identifies potential problems that may arise during software development or technology selection. It examines the possibilities of marker-based and markerless technologies and emphasizes the significance of choosing the appropriate technology and software libraries, as it can impact the budget in future projects and the complexity of adjustments or replacements.
The structure used for modeling and visualizing complex processes in AR consists of several key modules, including camera tracking, object storage, user interface, and visualization modules. Computer vision systems, based on image analysis from cameras, form the foundation of AR applications. For AR applications that require the quick and accurate detection of a predefined set of objects in a frame and the overlay of virtual objects, specialized AR libraries such as Vuforia (developed by Qualcomm), ARToolKit, Wikitude, and Kudan are recommended. Vuforia SDK has high accuracy of marker and image recognition, Wikitude supports audio and video on AR objects, ARKit SDK is an exclusive technology for iOS devices, Kudan SDK has high interoperability with GPS, HP Reveal SDK has high accuracy of sound recognition and long tracking distance. All of them work using marker or markerless technology. Marker technology is more stable and accurate compared to markerless technology, but has limitations in the minimum number of possible scenarios and object scaling. Markerless technology is flexible and more mobile, but requires high data processing.
AR promotes concise educational content and facilitates the transition from informational learning to real-time interactive learning experiences. From the open data of the research company VRAr lab, it can be said that more than 90% of students successfully study the material. Information technology plays a crucial role in modernizing and improving the current education system.
Keywords. augmented reality, computer technology, interactivity, marker technology, markerless technology, structure of augmented reality, comparison of augmented reality SDK.
doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2023-1-85-32-39