Analysis of the layout and composing processes of tactile editions for children with vision impairment

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Maik L. Ya., Lotoshynska N. D., Holubnyk T. S. № 2 (84) 69-80 Image Image

The main task in the education of people with vision impairment is to develop skills for receiving information using other types of analysers, including taste, hearing, tactile, and smelling. The analysis of Ukrainian and foreign literary sources shows that children with vision impairment perceive in the best possible way those images that are made with the technique of multi-textured applique using different types of materials. Images with different textures have the greatest similarity to the real object, as they are visually and tactilely the most recognizable. Such images cause a variety of sensations in children with vision impairment that form the correct idea of the object being studied. With the help of a tactile book, a child can understand not only the shape of the object, but also the tactile properties of the material from which the object is made, e.g. smoothness, roughness, etc. For the image of any object, it can be chosen a material that evokes similar tactile sensations. With the help of correctly made tactile editions, children with vision impairment can create a real picture of the environment with corresponding emo­tional images. Tactile books contribute to the development of sensory and mental abilities in children with vision impairment, abstract thinking, which is very important for the formation of compensatory skills for investigating the surrounding world.

A tactile book, made according to the specific rules of composing and layout, forms in a child with vision impairment an interest in reading and learning, and accordingly, when working with such a book, a child has the opportunity to study equally with healthy peers. When a child with vision impairment studies a tactile book, he or she gets acquain­ted with fairy tales, natural phenomena, the animal world, household items, etc. Some objects in the book can make sounds, e.g. chatter, ring, rustle. With the help of tactile books, a child first gets an idea of very large or, on the contrary, very small objects that cannot be examined with hands in real proportions.

To ensure high-quality production of tactile publications for children with vision impairment, it is necessary to know special rules for their layout and composing. The analysis of literary sources of publications produced with Braille and enlarged font indicates their wide usage, which practically covers all spheres of human activities and determines the relevance of works in this direction.

Keywords: tactile edition, composing, layout, children with vision impairment, font, illustration, relief image.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2022-2-84-67-78

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