Blanks extraction and feeding devices of semi-finished cardboard in the technological section of packaging equipment: analysis, perspectives and ways of improvement

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Rehei I. I., Behen P. I. № 1 (85) 164-173 Image Image

In the article, the authors analyze the technological processes of manufacturing consumer packaging, consider their structure, and highlight the key operations, included in them, which are necessary for the production of packaging containers, based on cardboard. It is established that the technological process of packaging in consumer containers includes two stages that depend on the operations location. Possibilities to reduce the duration of cardboard packages production by replacing several operations with one are identified. The structure of feeding mechanisms in postpress machines and packaging machines is analyzed. The differences, which are determined primarily by the shape and properties of semi-finished products with which these machines work, are revealed.

Based on the conducted analysis, the advantages of feeding mechanisms are outlined. The process of cardboard packages volume forming from flat blanks is considered. It is established that its implementation allows one to reduce the number of operations during the execution of packaging processes. A volume forming device is proposed, which includes the output mechanism for forming packages and is characterized by small dimensions and simplicity of construction. The described device allows the realization of the feeding process of cardboard involutes and the formation of volume packages from it during one complex operation. The technical solution reduces the dimensions of the equipment and simplifies its construction. Such approaches create prerequisites for effective modernization of packaging machines, which is based on rational and economical use of energy and raw materials.

Keywords: cardboard package, technological process, consumer unit, feeding mechanism, planetary gear mechanism.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2023-1-85-164-173

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