Cooperation between Deutsche Welle and Ukrainian publishing house: new opportunities for media special projects

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Ципердюк І. М. № 2 (82) 196-203 Image Image

The article analyses a special project of the Ukrainian editorial office of Deutsche Welle and Meridian Czernowitz publishing house, dedicated to the centenary of the birth of poet Paul Celan. It has been studied how the promotion of a significant cultural event has been carried out for a long time by the authoritative European media and the publishing house of modern literature. The cooperation between the Ukrainian editorial office of Deutsche Welle and the Meridian Czernowitz publishing house demonstrates one of the possible options for working in this direction. It is shown how effective such interaction is for the promotion of the common cultural heritage of different peoples.

The materials included in the special project are considered, it is found out how media-effective the works of modern writers, aimed at popularizing the biography and works of Paul Celan, turned out to be. It is alleged that the cooperation between the Ukrainian editorial office of Deutsche Welle and Meridian Czernowitz publishing house within the framework of the special project was another step towards establishing the television and radio company’s policy regarding interethnic understanding, finding common historical themes and figures that unite different peoples.

It is shown that in the special project of Deutsche Welle and the Meridian Czernowitz publishing house Ukrainian and German-speaking writers tried to comprehend the poet’s work from the modern point of view and demonstrated how the stories of different peoples intertwined – Jews, Ukrainians, Germans, Romanians, Austrians, French, who survived the tragedy of World War II, but also managed to find a perspective for un­der­standing and cooperation through art.

The special project showed another example of applying new opportunities to meet the modern requirements of the media market. The cooperation between the media and the publishing house made it possible to prepare a modern high-level intellectual product. The analysis of the implementation of the special project by the Ukrainian editorial office of Deutsche Welle, as well as analogous projects of Ukrainian editorial offices of foreign broadcasters, shows the importance of further research of this unique content in terms of functions, topics, and issues.

Keywords: Ukrainian editorial office of Deutsche Welle, Meridian Czernowitz pub­li­shing house, media special project, Paul Celan, poet, essay.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2021-2-82-196-203

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