The technology of VR is actively used in education because it significantly enhances the effectiveness of the learning process through deep student engagement and interactive educational materials. The research shows that VR can leverage the features of human perception, particularly vision, hearing, and touch, to improve memory retention and understanding of information. The analysis of recent studies shows that immersive technologies facilitate better knowledge acquisition through their interactivity and deep student engagement. The cognitive approach in education is based on understanding the processes of perception, memory, and attention, which are crucial for building a cognitive representation of the world. However, there is a lack of research related to the printing industry, making further study of this aspect important. The primary functions of visual perception are studied, demonstrating how they can be utilized in a VR system to create a sense of presence in a virtual environment. The principles of stereoscopic vision and its manipulation through VR to create the impression of a three-dimensional environment are examined. Methods of using stereoscopic displays in VR, which create the impression of three-dimensionality even on two-dimensional surfaces, are also presented.
As part of the research, a 3D model of an offset printing press is created, which is accessible for viewing through immersive technologies. The study proposes an algorithm for managing the thinking process to solve tasks, creating a self-adjusting thinking system in the form of a cognitive structure.
The research underscores the importance of immersive technologies in the educational process, their impact on enhancing cognitive abilities and knowledge retention, and suggests new approaches to learning based on virtual reality.
Keywords: visual perception, stereoscopic vision, virtual reality, VR, parallax, neural map, retina, eyes, printing presses, offset printing technique.
doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2024-1-87-86-105
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