Author(s) | Collection number | Pages | Download abstract | Download full text |
Fihol N. M. | № 1 (77) | 125-134 |
The article deals with the effectiveness of electronic textbooks in the educational process, the advantages and disadvantages of such publications have been analysed in comparison with printed ones, and the understanding of the concept of “electronic textbook” by foreign researchers has been revealed.
The article analyses the foreign experience of the research and use of electronic educational publications. The advantages and problems of introducing electronic textbooks in higher educational institutions have been highlighted. The problems encountered by students when working with electronic publications have been outlined. The prospects for further research and the possibility of overcoming the problems of introducing electronic textbooks in the educational process have been described.
In addition, prospects for the use of electronic devices to improve the effectiveness of research training have been considered. It has been emphasized that the educational system has changed dramatically and irrevocably with the introduction of information technologies, which should be understood and taken into account in pedagogical activity.
Summarizing all the previous theoretical works and own empirical studies, we can highlight such important advantages of electronic textbooks: insignificant weight and small sizes and volume; mobility in terms of updating the content; the ability to translate books in different languages; the ability to quickly and easily change the typeface, font size; the ability to read books at a low level of lighting, low cost of distribution; the realized mechanism of search by text, hyperlinks. Multimedia tools allow enriching the learning process with high-quality illustrative material: video, audio, which will enhance the image and emotional memory. It is already undeniable that the electronic book has radically changed our perceptions of the book and the publishing market in general.
Keywords: electronic publication, electronic textbook, site, e-book, educational process.
doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2019-1-77-125-134