Author(s) | Collection number | Pages | Download abstract | Download full text |
Khamula O. H., Vasiuta S. P., Конюхов А. Д. | № 1 (79) | 42-55 |
The article presents the results of a study of the features of the use of information technology and computer technology in distance learning. The theoretical definition of the peculiarities of distance learning and information technologies used in this case is carried out. The necessity and urgency of distance learning especially in the conditions of quarantine are substantiated. The advantages of distance learning and their main advantages over the traditional form of learning are explained. It is noted that in the vast majority in Ukraine, the most popular distance learning system is Moodle, compared to other systems, which can contain not only textual information but also any information and can be presented in the form of an electronic document (presentations, audio, video information, test tasks, reference books, etc.). This system is free, and the program interface is Ukrainianized. The basis for the use of infographics in the presentation of the initial material is formed and its relevance and positive impact on the perception of the submitted material is indicated. Based on the described and known from the literature test “Zharikova” — determining the level of the manager, it describes the mechanisms for creating tests with infographic elements for the Moodle system using HTML and JavaScript programming languages, as one of the options and listing the program. With this combination, it became possible to visualize the test result. Passing this test is used as a practical task in the study of the discipline “Management of Publishing and Information”. Presenting information in the form of infographics facilitates the process of learning the material, making it more “voluminous” and comprehensive, and learning becomes interesting and effective. The visualization of the presented educational material is able to disseminate knowledge more effectively than any other means of communication.
Keywords: distance learning, platforms, distance education, MOODLE, programming language, HTML, JavaScript, infographics.
doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-1-79-42-55