Field theory in social communication

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Cherniavska L. V. № 2 (70) 104-110 Image Image

Social systems are in spatial coordinates and the movement of meaning is in the social space, so grows the need for the study of socio spatial parameters. Scientific discourse actively engages term of field as a spatial metaphor to refer to the position of objects in the space. The term is used in the theory of relativity of Albert Einstein, linguistics, and sociology. The characteristics of field proposed in K. Lewin’s field theory and the theory of social field of P. Bourdieu. Field theory proposes consideration of social processes that are shown in the media. Creation of pictures of the world is with participation of different types of fields: media field, political, cultural, economic and social. The field as a coordinate system allows us to consider a display system of social events in the media discourse and their relationship.

Keywords: field theory, social space, social communication, media.

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