Forecasting the quality of old rarebooks digitazation process by fuzzy logic

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Гаврилишин О. Б., Repeta V. B., Myklushka I. Z. № 1 (79) 11-19 Image Image

In the “pre-digital” era, humanity has accumulated huge amounts of paper do­cu­ments, books, which are stored in libraries and archives. With the development of information technology, the question arose of preserving such documents in digital form and familiarizing stakeholders, using various means of visualization. Every time it is necessary to obtain a high-quality digital copy of a certain document, there is a problem of high-quality technological process of digitization, which due to the variety of old rarebook is not subject to standardized parameterization. Based on the priority of quality factors of the process of digitization of old rarebooks, such as the state of pages, features of scanning equipment and software functionality, a knowledge base is formed with the fulfillment of the condition “if-then” and a model of logical inference is developed. The construction of a model of logical inference, fuzzy logical equations, the definition of a universal set and evaluation terms allow determining a quantitative indicator of the quality of the process of digitization of old rarebooks. The formed knowledge base has been checked at modelling by means of technological calculations system Fuzzy Logic Toolbox of MatLab program of the according to the Mamdani principle. The construction of membership functions for variables “Status of an old rarebook”, “Feature of scanning equipment” and “Functionality of software” has been checked by the method “Center of gravity” for the dephasification operation. Accordingly, a model of the influence of factors that determine the quality of the digitization process is obtained and the adequacy of the developed knowledge base is confirmed. The proposed method for calculating the quality of the old rarebooks digitization process in quantitative form allows the development of a simulation model for its forecasting and statistical evaluation.

Keywords: digitization of old rarebooks, logical model, quality factors, linguistic variables, fuzzy logical equations.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2020-1-79-11-19

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