Identifying the factors influencing the choice and use of AR technology

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Дорош С. М., Khamula O. H. № 1 (87) 28-33 Image Image

The article points out that the issue of how medical journalism operates is one of the significant topics being explored in the scientific world today. The quality of publications on medical subjects and the issues surrounding their authors—journalists or medical professionals—are the main reasons to pay close attention to this issue. Ultimately, expertly crafted specialized content guarantees proficiency in addressing medical matters, popularizes and distributes medical knowledge, and cultivates medical literacy across the community. It is underlined that this issue must to be taken into account historically. Therefore, the details of the editing practices of the popular science magazine “Zhyttia i Znannia” (“Life and Knowledge”) (Lviv, 1927–1939) are examined in order to determine how and in what way diverse medical knowledge was presented in the Galician press of the interwar twentieth century. The publication’s coverage of medical issues and topics is examined in detail, and the key themes are determined (e.g., the importance of vaccinations, the prevention of infectious diseases, body hygiene, the avoidance of alcohol dependence, and the features of diseases and their treatment). The details of how information is presented to the typical reader are described.

It is found that although journalists worked on covering information items in this field, experienced medical professionals wrote the in-depth articles. It was the editorial staff’s decision, that medical writers covering general readers’ interests should write about subjects related to their expertise. Without oversimplifying the presentation, experts including doctors Markiian Dzerovych, Yevhen Durdello, Yurii Lypa, Maksym Muzyka, Sofia Parfanovych, Irena Simovych and others provided readers with clear and understandable explanations of crucial subjects. Their work is characterized by a strong popular scientific approach that targets the journal’s typical reader.

In addition to revealing the historical experience of Ukrainian journalism in distributing current medical issues, which is also significant for the present, the article highlights the significance of researching the details of popularization and medical knowledge in the mass media of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Keywords: popular science magazine, “Zhyttia i Znannia”, medical journalism, medical issues, health care, author, journalist.

doi: 10.32403/0554-4866-2024-1-87-174-181

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